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Key Social Media Statistics to Boost Your 2022 Strategy

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Social Media Statistics

Let’s delve into our main Social media insights from the stats to aid your comprehension of their significance:

  1. Social Media Statistics usage has surpassed the halfway mark of the global population.
  • It’s no secret that social media has gained immense popularity, catering to diverse demographics with the latest Tik-Tok trends or family photos shared on Facebook. At Live Web Promotion, our team monitors these trends and specializes in reaching your desired audience.
  1. Social Media is Used for an Average of 2 Hours and 27 Minutes per Day.
  • People not only use social media, but they also spend a significant amount of time on it, with an average of over two hours. This presents ample opportunities for businesses to connect with users. Previously, ‘best time to post’ articles were popular, but nowadays, posting at any time is likely to generate engagement due to the vast user base and time spent on these platforms.
  1. Instagram Stories with an Emphasized Call-to-Action Achieve 80% Higher Performance.
  • At Live Web Promotion, we recognize the effectiveness of a call to action. Without a clear indication of what action you want your audience to take, they are likely to simply continue scrolling. Therefore, whenever you post a story, make sure to include a prominent CTA that clearly communicates your desired action to the user.
Key Social Media
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  1. Everyday, 200 Million Social Media Users Visit Business Profiles.
  • Organic social media effectiveness for business pages has dwindled in recent years. Nonetheless, users still view these pages and their content, albeit through deliberate searching. The aforementioned statistic is a testament to this fact. Therefore, businesses must maintain their social channels, keeping them current and engaging to create a positive user experience when sought out.
  1. Approximately 71% of Consumers Are Likely to Recommend a Brand on Social Media After a Positive Experience.
  • We’ve all had positive and negative customer experiences. The aforementioned statistic demonstrates that customers are likely to reciprocate positive experiences by recommending and speaking highly of the brand on social media. As you plan your customer touchpoints, prioritize creating an enjoyable and efficient process to foster positive experiences.
Social Media Statistics
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We hope that these social media statistics have provided you with useful insights on how to make the most of your social media presence in the upcoming year. As social media continues to evolve, it is vital to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

At Live Web Promotion, our team of social media experts stays informed and up-to-date with the ever-changing landscape of social media. Whether you need help with content creation, audience engagement, or social media advertising, we have the expertise to assist you in achieving your goals.

If you’re curious about how our team can help increase the effectiveness of your Social media marketing, we invite you to visit our social media management page. There you can learn more about our services and how we can help take your social media presence to the next level. Let’s work together to make 2022 a great year for your business on social media!

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