Branding SEO News

Improving Brand Identity: Google’s New Form for Reporting Site Name Issues in Search Results

Google's New Form for Reporting Site Name Issues in Search Results

Google is constantly updating its search algorithms to improve user experience and provide accurate results. One aspect of this experience is how a website’s name appears in search results. In recent days, Google’s John Mueller has posted on Twitter about a new form asking for feedback on when the site name Google shows in search is not what users would expect it to be. The form is designed to help Google improve its search results and provide more accurate information to users.

The form asks for the URL of the home page, the displayed versus expected site name, whether the search was done on mobile or desktop, and the query that triggers the home page. This information will help Google identify and fix any issues with how site names appear in search results.

Before Branding in Google

Google's New Form for Reporting Site Name Issues in Search Results

After Branding in Google

After Branding in Google

This initiative comes in response to a complaint from Sarah Franklin, the CMO of Salesforce, who posted on a Google Webmaster Help thread that her company’s name was being incorrectly called “Sales Force” as two words and wrong casing. This was damaging to the brand, and despite following the guidance provided by Google, the problem persisted for months. Negative sentiment was also being generated from Salesforce’s community.

This is just one example of how inaccurate site names in search results can harm a brand. It is essential for businesses to ensure that their site names are correctly displayed in search results to maintain their brand identity and credibility.

Google’s new form is an opportunity for businesses to report any issues they may have with how their site name appears in search results. By doing so, they can help Google improve its search algorithms and provide more accurate information to users. This will benefit both businesses and users, as accurate search results will lead to increased traffic and revenue for businesses, and a better user experience for users.


In addition to submitting feedback, businesses can take steps to ensure that their site name is correctly displayed in search results. One way to do this is by using schema markup, which provides structured data to search engines and helps them understand the content of a web page. By including schema markup for the site name, businesses can increase the likelihood that it will be correctly displayed in search results.

Another way to ensure that the site name is correctly displayed is by using consistent branding across all platforms. This includes the website, social media profiles, and any other online presence. By using consistent branding, businesses can reinforce their brand identity and make it easier for users to recognize their site name in search results.

Google’s new form for reporting issues with site names in search results is a positive step towards improving the accuracy of search results. Businesses should take advantage of this opportunity to report any issues they may have and help Google improve its search algorithms. In addition, they should take steps to ensure that their site name is correctly displayed in search results, such as using schema markup and consistent branding. By doing so, they can maintain their brand identity and credibility and provide a better user experience for their customers.

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