Artificial Intelligence

Chatgpt Fails: 15 Common Errors and Mistakes You Need to Know

Mistake of Chat-GPT

Learn ChatGPT’s restrictions so you can set guidelines for using the application, take use of its positive aspects, and minimize its drawbacks.

Despite the fact that ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for SEO and content marketing chores like keyword research, creating title tags, and local SEO, it’s crucial to be aware of the platform’s limits. You will become more aware of these restrictions and how to get past them as you use it.

It’s important to note that the creator of OpenAI, the business that created ChatGPT, has voiced some concerns over the tool’s capabilities. He has warned users against placing an undue reliance on it, calling it “incredibly limited” and a “horrible product.”


To ensure that you are getting the most precise and thorough information possible, it is crucial to approach ChatGPT with a critical eye and to utilize it in conjunction with other tools and resources. ChatGPT is a useful tool to have in your marketing toolbox, but it shouldn’t be your only source of data or analysis.

Chat GPT citation problem

As an AI language model, I don’t make errors or mistakes in the traditional sense, but I can provide you with a list of common errors and mistakes that humans often make when communicating in written or spoken language:

  1. Spelling errors: This is a common mistake that can be easily avoided by using spell-check tools or by proofreading.
  2. Grammar mistakes: These include using incorrect verb tenses, subject-verb agreement errors, and improper sentence structure.
  3. Punctuation errors: Incorrect use of punctuation marks, such as commas, semicolons, and colons, can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.
  4. Using informal language: Inappropriate use of informal language, slang, or jargon can be confusing to the reader or listener.
  5. Not proofreading: Failing to proofread your work can lead to errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  6. Incorrect word usage: Using a word that sounds similar but has a different meaning can change the meaning of a sentence entirely.
  7. Lack of clarity: Failing to communicate your message clearly can result in misunderstandings or confusion.
  8. Not following guidelines: Not adhering to guidelines, such as word count or formatting requirements, can lead to rejection or an unprofessional appearance.
  9. Plagiarism: Copying someone else’s work without proper attribution is a serious offense and can lead to legal consequences.
  10. Using biased language: Using language that is discriminatory or offensive can be hurtful and cause harm to others.
  11. Misinterpreting tone: Misinterpreting the tone of a message, such as assuming sarcasm or aggression, can lead to misunderstandings and conflict.
  12. Not considering your audience: Failing to consider your audience’s needs and expectations can result in a lack of engagement or interest.
  13. Failing to cite sources: Not providing proper citations for sources used in your work is a form of academic misconduct.
  14. Overusing complex language: Using overly complex language or jargon can be intimidating or difficult to understand for some readers or listeners.
  15. Rushing: Failing to take the time to carefully craft your message can result in errors and misunderstandings.

Publications have been known to publish content containing errors on significant topics such as personal finance and health, which fall under the category of “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL). To ensure accuracy and avoid misinformation, it’s important to be aware of the most common technical errors and mistakes when using ChatGPT, and how to address them.

This article aims to highlight the technical errors and mistakes that are commonly made when using ChatGPT, especially when dealing with YMYL topics. By identifying these errors and understanding how to address them, writers can improve the accuracy and reliability of their content. It is essential to ensure that any information related to personal finance or health is accurate, up-to-date, and trustworthy, as it can have a significant impact on the readers’ lives.

Search Engine Optimization
  1. Issues with the ChatGPT API: When utilizing the ChatGPT API, users may run across specific character constraints, token limits, or feature restrictions.
  2. Character limits: There are restrictions on the number of characters that can be entered into the platform and the length of the reply. Both the version and whether you’re using the web interface or the API affect these.
  3. Timeouts on the connection: On occasion, when ChatGPT is processing a lengthy and complex response, it may time out and deliver an incomplete response. When the platform is asked to write code or analyze lengthy inputs, this may occur.
  1. Unfinished responses: ChatGPT may stop writing code or lengthy paragraphs in the middle of them. In these cases, users can type “continue,” and the platform will end within the subsequent prompts.
  2. Limited messages: The quantity of messages that can be sent every time period, even for paid accounts, is currently limited by ChatGPT. On the basis of account kinds and GPT versions, there are also unique rate-limiting regulations.
  3. Troubles with login: Depending on the degree of access necessary or the length of the session, users may experience login troubles. It’s crucial to confirm that you are logged in and have the necessary account level access to use the requested functionality.
  1. Confident but wrong: ChatGPT can sometimes provide confident but incorrect answers due to the “hallucination” issue, where it generates responses that are not grounded in accurate information or knowledge. It is important to keep in mind that just because ChatGPT provides a convincing answer, it does not necessarily mean that the answer is correct.

For instance, if someone asks ChatGPT “What is the capital of Australia?”, it may confidently respond with “The capital of Australia is Melbourne.” However, this answer is incorrect as the capital of Australia is actually Canberra. Even though ChatGPT’s response was decisive and lacked any qualifying language, it was still wrong. It is crucial to verify information provided by ChatGPT and use critical thinking to assess the accuracy of its responses.

Chat-GPT Mistake in Calculation
  1. Not understanding word and character counts : If you’re involved in content creation for SEO purposes, accurately estimating and understanding character counts is crucial. Failing to do so can be a significant obstacle to writing effective title tags, meta descriptions, or content that needs to meet specific word count requirements. To illustrate, let’s say you’re trying to craft a meta description that should be no more than 160 characters. If you can’t accurately count characters, you may end up with a description that is too long, which will result in it being truncated by search engines, or too short, which may not provide enough information to potential visitors. Therefore, it’s essential to use tools or techniques that can help you count characters and words with precision.
Chat-GPT Mistake in Reasoning
  1. Mistake in Reasoning: I just Ask to ChatGPT “You do not perform reasoning very well.?”
    ChatGPT answer to me ” As an AI language model, I’m programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, including answering questions, providing information, and generating text. While I strive to provide accurate and helpful responses, there may be times when my answers are not satisfactory or may require further clarification. If you have a specific question or issue you’d like me to help with, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide a helpful response.”

I then request ChatGPT. Two responses, one after the other, with the identical questions simply with different objects based on the screenshots may confound you.

  1. Coding mistakes: There are currently numerous instances in real life where people have used ChatGPT to develop websites, apps, and browser extensions or to solve coding problems.

Having saying that, ChatGPT can also produce broken code. When using ChatGPT to offer coding assistance, I’ve run into the following problems:

Simply put, the code isn’t working correctly. When users use a tool, actions are not carried out.
Inaccurate calculations produced by ChatGPT’s code.
using an incorrect API. (Frequently, this is due to the API not being aware of it because it was released or modified after the GPT’s training data period, which ended in late 2021. However, ChatGPT doesn’t inform you of this.)
disregarding or “forgetting” project specifications and instructions.
Again, it’s critical that you always carefully review the code you’re deploying and test the results of everything ChatGPT assists with.

Additionally, some users claim that using GPT-4 or even legacy mode (instead of the new default, Turbo) produces better results for coding tasks.

Chat-GPT mistake seo not latest data
  1. Out-of-date data: A number of plugins and solutions have begun to combine web crawling and real-time data, and the training data for ChatGPT may eventually be updated.

However, ChatGPT’s web version is unable to currently crawl the internet and is unaware of any information dated before late 2021.

This is significant, especially in light of the “confident but wrong” problem.

Chat GPT maistake seo not latest data
  1. Lack of memory: Because ChatGPT can only “remember” so many characters in a chat, it frequently makes mistakes because it forgets the context of your early prompts or its early responses.
  2. Incorrect formatting: Similar to coding, ChatGPT occasionally errs or disregards explicit instructions when asked to carry out tasks like making a table or formatting text in a particular way.
  3. Failing to cite sources: Not providing proper citations for sources used in your work is a form of academic misconduct.
  4. Overusing complex language: Using overly complex language or jargon can be intimidating or difficult to understand for some readers or listeners.
Chat-GPT not completein Regional Language Bengali

Preventing and fixing ChatGPT’s errors

How therefore can you get the most of ChatGPT while navigating its drawbacks and shortcomings?

You may minimize a lot of the potential drawbacks of using ChatGPT in your daily tasks by concentrating on these important areas:

Recognize your limitations

  • You can create prompts that produce quality responses and improved QA outputs by staying up to date on certain product constraints, such as character limits for prompts and responses, the date of training data for GPT, etc.
  • With new versions, OpenAI does a decent job of keeping this information current. There are several items on this list that they have expressly stated they are tackling.

Examine and carefully revise outputs.

  • You must thoroughly edit all text and QA code before publishing or deploying it, which should be rather evident.
  • I would strongly advise having a domain expert check the content and code prior to deployment because ChatGPT can be incredibly self-assured.
  • Some of the information and claims made by ChatGPT can be misleading, especially if you lack knowledge in the subject.
  • But if you have extensive knowledge of a subject, it’s simpler to spot false or inaccurate claims.

Add additional tools and procedures on top of the API.

  • In addition to releasing plugins, OpenAI also made a ChatGPT-specific API available.
  • By using various tools created by others or by making your own, you can address some of the platform’s limitations.
  • Knowing the ChatGPT’s potential hazards will enable you to set up safeguards for using the tool, maximizing its advantages while minimizing many of its drawbacks.

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